Acupuncture Works

Welcome to Acupuncture Works

About Us


Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine

Dr. Mary Jo McIlhon is a licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico and nationally certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine and Herbs.


Mary Jo's Focus

The good health of all her patients with special emphasis on eliminating pain, strengthening the immune system and building energy, balancing the respiratory and digestive systems throughout Santa Fe's famous allergy seasons, and assisting women through the process of conception and the process of menopause.


Mary Jo's Mission

  • To provide a practice that directly addresses the immediate and/or chronic health concerns of the patient, and to have the patient experience relief  from a problem as quickly as possible.
  • To provide a comfortable environment for the patient.
  • To provide the patient with  a clear explanation of the diagnosis and the treatment plan.